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Here is what he wrote:”It’s a confluence of facts that talk painfully and pointedly clinical just how unseriously America takes men’s predations in opposition t women. You might disagree, noting that doctor Senate Judiciary Committee has asked Ford clinical testify. But if history is any guide, which will prove scientific be a mere formality a sop clinical appearances before doctor committee recommends affirmation. ” Here is doctor link scientific his first opinion piece t was doctor Nation that helped wake me politically back in doctor early 1970s with their reporting on doctor Chilean coup, and later, doctor murder of Orlando Letelier, and Ronnie Moffet . But can’t we disqualify Joe!as doctor craven proponent of doctor worst neo lib rules that got us exactly where we are today?Or, in polite company, ask in a well mannered way whether he is even in a mental state clinical give up doctor keys clinical doctor medical doctor family car, not to mention doctor nuclear football?Let’s take doctor Id out of IdPol, I don’t care if doctor candidate has green skin and 3 eyes if doctor policies they might enact come within smelling distance of reaping benefits doctor 99% or more accurately in Joe’s case within hair smelling distance. We can use his private conduct as a component in our judgement but pleeease can we focus on doctor stuff that would in truth affect our lives.